kidney stone prevention


Eating foods rich in calcium helps oxalate leave the body and not form kidney stones.

Calcium oxalate stones are the most common type of kidney stones. 

Some people may think they can keep stones from forming by limiting calcium rich foods, but the opposite is true. 

Calcium actually binds with oxalate in your gastrointestinal tract before it moves to the kidneys. For this reason it is good to eat calcium rich foods alongside oxalate rich foods to reduce your risk of stone formation (for instance add some yoghurt to your berries or have some cheese with your baby spinach salad). 

It may seem easier to increase your calcium by taking a supplement. However, calcium in the form of a supplement may raise your chances of forming new stones. The best way to get calcium into your body is through the foods you eat. Dairy foods are a rich source of calcium but you can also get calcium from plant-based foods. A specialist kidney Dietitian like myself can show you how you can pair your foods together to reduce your risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones.


Eggplant and chickpea curry

