
How many is too many?

Answer below (we promise it will be free of egg puns 😆). 

Eggs contain all 11 essential amino acids this makes them a complete source of protein. They are also high in omega 3s so great to consume, particularly if your diet is low in fish. 

Eggs contain cholesterol but we now know that dietary cholesterol only causes small increases in plasma cholesterol levels compared to the intake of saturated and trans fats, so can we consume too many eggs? 

Observational studies indicate people with diabetes are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease if they consume more than 7 eggs per week. Similarly, people with cardiovascular disease on cholesterol lowering medication were found to have higher levels of LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) when they consumed more than 7 eggs per week. 

For these reasons, if you have diabetes or elevated cholesterol, we recommend a maximum of 7 eggs per week (roughly one egg per day or two eggs every second day).


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